Weight loss is not a child's play. It requires a lot of determination and hard work to shed all the extra belly fat and come in great shape. If you are thinking of losing weight and the idea of joining a gym and following a tough workout schedule seems very intimidating to you, then do not be distressed. If you are just beginning your weight loss journey, you can start small. Target your belly fat with walking or running. Just by increasing your daily activity you can make a considerable difference. Walking and weight loss Walking is a very easy and effective way to lose weight. The best thing about it is that you can walk whenever you get the time. It can be after dinner or in the morning. Even when you are not actively walking for exercise, just by racking up your steps, you can achieve your weight loss goals. Also, it is good to be active.
Waking is a part of NEAT, which stand for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. It is the amount of activity one performs in a day, apart from the formal exercise. The best way to get more NEAT is by increasing the number of steps you take.

The numbers If you have just begun your weight loss journey and are completely new to exercise, then start with walking. As per experts, you should set your goal to a minimum of 10,000 steps a day.

Once you get into the habit of your daily steps, increase it gradually towards 12000 to 15000 steps per day.


If you are chained to a desk job and have a busy schedule, then weight loss can be a tough task. Take a break from your desk, walk around for a while, take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. You can also opt for public transportation instead of commuting to work by your car. This way you will take a few more steps and will move an inch closer to your weight loss journey.

Source: indiatimes.com