I can’t go back to God to increase my size - Asiedu Nketia

13th June 2017


General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Johnson Asiedu Nketia has admitted he may appear ‘ ugly and slim’ as joked by former President Jerry John Rawlings, he cannot go back to God to demand amendments to his current stature

“The comment of our founder created a comic relief and enlightened the area. The conditions are difficult to satisfy I can’t go back to God and say ‘increase the size of my tummy or my height. It was a good joke where all of us laughed. It is an endorsement of how I have done my work. Even though it is a comic relief some people have taken it serious. Some people have taken it to mean he is comparing me to President Mahama. That is not the case”, he stated.

President Jerry John Rawlings at the party’s 25th Anniversary Rally held at Ashaiman Mandela park in Accra last Sunday, said the party’s General Secretary is “ugly and light” but for that he would have also contested as flagbearer of the party.

“It is a pity he (Asiedu Nketia) is ugly…If he were handsome, we would put him on a horse to go and help. Considering how light he is like air, the horse will run faster,”the NDC founder joked

But the party’s chief scribe in response to the joke said he was naturally born ‘ugly’ and cannot do anything about it. God gave everyone what fits them and that’s why I’m proud of myself. God gave me those features and I cannot be held accountable for that…, I did not beg for those features” he said.

According to him, the former president might have made those comments because he arrived at the events grounds late.

“I was very late for the event because of heavy traffic on the Tema road but when I got there and saw all the big men on the stage, I quickly apologized. But I realized that when I got there, the crowd were all over me and that’s why JJ decided to make fun of me saying I’m even popular than Mahama but for my weight and handsomeness, I could qualify as flagbearer of the party” he observed

“Rawlings knows what I have done and what I can do for my party and that’s why he wanted to give me that huge position” he stressed.

Source: mynewsgh,com