I have never experienced 'dumsor' in my office - George Quaye

26th May 2024


Ghanaian playwright and media personality, George Quaye has reacted to the ongoing power crisis in Ghana and the upcoming #DumsorMustStop demonstration slated for June 8, 2024.

Speaking on United Showbiz on UTV, he stated that even though he's fortunate not to have experienced dumsor at his Asylum Down office, he appreciates the democratic process and supports people's right to protest.

“I think I have been lucky; maybe it happens at my place during the day, but in my office at Asylum Down, I have never experienced Dumsor, not once.

“But it’s good that people want to come out to air their grievances. Demonstrations are the beauty of democracy."

He added that he is pleased that the conveners have coordinated with the police for a peaceful event, which he believes will be well attended.

“I am happy they have been able to agree with the police; I only hope that they can hold it in a peaceful and orderly manner to avoid any problems.

“Even with the change of venue, the University of Ghana would provide a ready crowd for the demonstration,” he told MzGee, host of the show.

However, he said he'll miss the demonstration due to his involvement in the upcoming Aku Sika play on June 8.

Meanwhile, the #DumsorMustStop protest in Ghana, originally scheduled for May 25 at Revolution Square, has been rescheduled to June 8.

The new starting point is the University of Ghana, ending at Tetteh Quarshie Roundabout with speeches.

The event will now run from 2 pm to 10 pm.

This change follows an application for injunction by the Ghana Police Service to block the protest at the initial location, citing safety concerns.

Upon the change of venue, the police removed their application for an injunction.