Voice of Ghana's morning show ''Kokrokoo'' on Peace FM, Kwami Sefa Kayi has opened up on why he abandoned his acting career.

Kwami Sefa Kayi, a multiple-award winning broadcaster and a Journalist of the Year, was once one of the best actors in Ghana but vanished completely from the acting scene and has since kept mute over his decision.

He finally gave a response on Saturday during an interview with Akwasi Aboagye on Peace FM's flagship entertainment programme ''Entertainment Review''.

Answering a question on why he neglected acting, Chairman General, as he is affectionately called, revealed that a reason why he ''stopped acting was because radio gave me a better platform and made me more money and gave me more recognition. When I started the radio work, I saw improvement in my life. I could create a large network. I made good income. I saw a sense of direction in my life''.

He also stressed that he ''saw no future as an actor'', adding ''acting in this country, it doesn't pay. It didn't pay from when I was much younger. It is not paying today; it won't pay tomorrow''.

Chairman General shared no regrets asserting that ''working in media or radio or journalism broadened my horizon in several aspects, so I thought that let me just take that path and leave them alone...For now posterity has proven me right''.

Source: peacefmonline.com