A member of the Ghana Football Association(GFA) legal team, Naa Odofoley Nettey says she was deeply surprised disqualified GFA Presidential aspirant Wilfred Osei Kwaku Palmer took his case to the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS).

According to Naa Odofoley a former member of the erstwhile Normalization Committee , Palmer admitted to the elections committee of the GFA that what he did was not right and apologized which is on record.

"I was deeply surprised Osei Palmer had sent this case to CAS because he admitted and agreed that his conduct and that of his club Tema Youth wasn't appropriate and apologized which he's on tape" she told Kumasi based Oyerepa FM.

"Even at the sitting Lawyer Frank Davies requested to recuse himself but Palmer asked him not to because he believes Frank was a Professional but turns around to say conflict whatever"

"All he had to do was to be truthful but when the answer is Yes and you say no and subsequently find out and you are confronted and then you admit,then run to CAS."

After the disqualification of  Wilfred Osei Kwaku Palmer from contesting the October 2019 GFA Elections he dragged the GFA to CAS to seek redress.

Wilfred Osei Kwaku the aggrieved party took the case to the Sports adjudicatory over what he terms as unfair and unlawful treatment meted out to him by the GFA's Normalization Committee in disqualifying him from contesting the October 2019 GFA Elections.

The apex sports court dismissed all the reliefs that was being sought by Wilfred Osei Kwaku paving way for Kurt Okraku to lead the GFA in peace.