So it seems that for some people, death doesn’t have to be a sad affair.

Veteran Kenyan golfer and former national team coach Charles Farrar passed on and his obituary was published in the Daily Nation on Wednesday. But this wasn’t like the usual obituaries, Farrar’s death and funeral announcement message was littered with humor all over.

It partly reads:

David, Justin, James, Jenny and Jessica are very sad to announce the death of Charles on Monday after a long illness borne with typical fortitude and humor.

Regarding Charles’love for golf, the obituary states:

Charles and his beloved Pat will now be creating their usual mischief and mayhem at the ultimate Nineteenth hole.

Farrar succumbed to liver failure after a six-month battle at the M.P Shah hospital. He served was Kenya’s national golf coach from 2007 to 2013, and also in 2015.

Check out the full obituary below:

golfer orbituary
