Senior Lecturers of the University of Ghana who are not enthused about happenings at the premier institution which is in search of Pro-Vice-Chancellors of three colleges have broken the silence

The 25 lecturers mostly members of Academic Board of the University of Ghana in line with article 7(3,17 and 18) of the statutes of the University of Ghana are demanding a Special Academic Board Meeting to discuss and resolve the matter.

In a signed letter to the Vice-Chancellor Professor Oduro Owusu dated May 12, 2021,  the enraged Lecturers wondered why the Vice-Chancellor despite the advice of the eminent Chairman Reverend Emeritus Professor Andrews Seth Ayettey for the process to be restarted with a reconstituted committee after his resignation, rather asked the same committee to saddled with personal interest and conflict of interest continue their work, and appointed another member of the committee, Professor Francis Dodoo to take over as Chairman who in turn passed on the chairmanship to Professor Kwasi Addo, another member of the committee

“As Academic Board Members, we consider these developments as extremely serious issues that threaten the integrity of the business of appointments in the University and the high reputation of the University in general. Article 7 (3) of the Statutes empowers the Academic Board to ensure the maintenance of the integrity and reputation of our great institution. Consequently, relying on sections 7(15)(c) and 18 of the Statutes, we, the undersigned, wish to call for a special meeting of the academic board to seek answers to the following questions:

How come the search committee included several individuals with inherent conflicts-of-interest with one candidate or another? II. What has been done with respect to the serious concerns raised by the chairman as have been presented above? Ill. What informed the appointment of replacement Chairmen in view of the moral and ethical issues raised against the committee membership and the conflicts-of-interest of these individuals? IV. Why has a new committee not been set up to undertake the exercise all over again”, they asked in the letter

