There was drama on Friday night at the Accra Sports Stadium after Legon Cities were once again beaten by Ebusua Dwarfs.

Legon Cities cannot afford to buy a win despite buying more than nine new players to augment their squad in the 2020/2021 Ghana Premier League season.

Two goals from Benjamin Acquah in the first half consigned Legon Cities to a defeat despite a penalty from Joseph Adjei which only served as a consolation.

The ambitious Ghana Premier League side have employed a new coach in the shape of experienced Bashir Hayford after dismal performance from the Bosnian trainer Goran Baraktarajvic.

Despite signing Asamoah Gyan and providing all the comforts for the team, results have not matched the input of the club's management.

After their latest defeat last night players of the club were prevented from boarding the team bus as they were ordered by the club's angry management to find their own means home.

Legon Cities are rock bottom on the Ghana Premier League log after six matches with three draws and three defeats.