Former Presdent John Dramani Mahama has been urged by some upset leading members of the NDC, to copy the campaign style of NPP Flagbearer and Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

Dr. Bawumia has made significant nationwide waves with his energetic house-to-house, market-market-to-market, store-store-store, lorry stations and on-the-street meet and greet campaign over the past weeks.

Unusual in Ghanaian political campaign, Dr. Bawumia combined all the above methods in his recent engagements with the people, notably traders, drivers, commuters, shop owners, students and residents of communities, who are paid surprise visits by the Vice President.

During the visits, Dr. Bawumia allows free selfies with traders and the people he engages with.

The effectiveness of Bawumia's method, and its seeming impact, appears to have frightened the NDC, who have urged former President Mahama to copy Bawumia's style.

A leading member of the NDC, revealed that he and many stalwarts were upset by what he described as "Mahama's lazy approach" to the campaign, and they have urged him to also do what Bawumia has been doing.

"To be frank, we are not happy and a number of leading members are also not happy about our candidate's lazy approach to the campaign," said the leading member, who did not want to be named.

He added: "truth be told, Bawumia's approach is effective and it also shows seriousness on his part. How Mahama started did not show seriousness and the way to go for him and the NDC is to copy Bawumia's style."

"We have held meetings and we have expressed our concerns that he should copy Bawumia's campaign style and method."

"Mahama was elected about a year before Bawumia was elected, but looking at things now, it looks like the other way round. You cannot campaign by meeting people in aircondioned rooms."

Interestingly, former President Mahama and the NDC appear to have embraced the suggestion, as he has been seen in recent days interacting with traders and people - in the exact manner Bawumia does it, including taking selfies.

A campaign itenary of Mahama in the Bono East Region, replicates the format of Bawumia’s campaign, which is targeting religious groups, meeting traders and people in the markets, lorry parks as well meeting and greeting people on the streets.