Scientists have embarked on an ambitious project to create a detailed 3D map of the universe by observing two million galaxies.

Learn how robotics and advanced imaging techniques are advancing our understanding of the cosmos and uncovering the secrets of our Milky Way galaxy.


In an awe-inspiring endeavor to unravel the mysteries of the universe, scientists have embarked on an ambitious project to create a comprehensive 3D map.

By observing two million galaxies and stars, researchers aim to gain deeper insights into the cosmos and our very own Milky Way galaxy.

This groundbreaking study, facilitated by robotics and advanced imaging techniques, promises to expand our understanding of the universe and its intricate workings.

Exploring the Cosmos through Robotics:

Led by researchers from Durham University, an international team of academics has employed robotics to capture thousands of images of the night sky.

This revolutionary approach allows for the meticulous examination of extragalactic objects and the analysis of how their light disperses into various colors or wavelengths.

Through this process, scientists can deduce critical information about the universe's expansion rate, as well as gain insights into the physics governing galaxies and quasars.

Unveiling the Vast Dataset:

The dataset amassed for this monumental undertaking encompasses a staggering 80 terabytes of data.

Captured over a span of six months, it comprises over 3,500 exposures of the night sky.

This immense collection of images serves as the initial phase of the project, paving the way for the mapping of over 40 million galaxies, quasars, and stars.

Advancing Our Understanding of the Universe:

By meticulously analyzing the observed galaxies and stars, scientists anticipate significant advancements in our comprehension of the cosmos.

The detailed 3D map that emerges from this research will shed light on the vast expanse of the universe, elucidating its structure and the relationship between its myriad components.

Moreover, the findings will contribute to our knowledge of our home galaxy, the Milky Way, unraveling its intricacies and unveiling its place within the cosmic tapestry.

Implications for Scientific Discovery:

The creation of a comprehensive 3D map of the universe holds immense potential for scientific breakthroughs across various disciplines.

Astronomers, astrophysicists, and cosmologists will be equipped with a powerful tool to delve deeper into the fundamental questions of our existence.

This vast repository of knowledge will enable researchers to explore phenomena such as dark matter, dark energy, and the evolution of galaxies with unparalleled precision.


Through the collective efforts of researchers from Durham University and their international counterparts, humanity is taking monumental strides toward understanding the intricacies of the universe.

The observation of two million galaxies and stars, facilitated by robotics and advanced imaging techniques, forms the foundation of an ambitious project to create a detailed 3D map.

This endeavor will unlock the secrets of the cosmos, enhance our comprehension of the Milky Way galaxy, and propel scientific discovery to new heights.

As the map expands to encompass millions more celestial bodies, we stand on the cusp of an era of unprecedented exploration and enlightenment.