The Damango Police have arrested five persons for attempting to kidnap a 14-year-old boy at Singa, a community near Daboya in the Northern Region.

The suspects have however denied the offence; but two of them admitted going to the village to look for a white guinea fowl for some rituals.

According to the Northern Regional Police Command, the two said they went to the village on motorbikes Sunday evening at about 6pm.

They claim they asked the boy to direct them to a Fulani settlement in the area where they could get guinea fowls to buy.

However, the boy, in his report told the police that the suspects carried him on one of the motorbikes to show them the town; but upon reaching the town, the two failed to stop.

He told the police that he jumped off the motorbike and raised an alarm; but the suspects were not seen until about 10pm later on Sunday where they were arrested and taken to the chief’s house.