Namibian champions African Stars have formally appealed to FIFA to lift their transfer ban following the settlement of a debt owed to former Ghanaian striker Peter Ernest Adiwo.

The club had faced sanctions that prevented them from signing new players both domestically and internationally due to their failure to meet financial obligations to Adiwo.

The striker filed a complaint with FIFA, alleging wrongful termination, which led to a ruling requiring African Stars to pay him N$180,000.

FIFA’s Disciplinary Committee imposed the ban after the club failed to compensate Adiwo within the stipulated timeframe.

However, African Stars' chairman, Patrick Hei, informed Desert Radio that the outstanding amount has now been paid.

Hei acknowledged initial delays in communication with FIFA, attributing them to an unfamiliar email address used by the governing body.

"We are addressing the issue this week to normalize our situation and lift the ban, as per FIFA’s requirements," Hei stated, expressing concern over the impact on the team's preparations for the upcoming season.

Despite the setback, Hei emphasized the club's commitment to resolving the matter swiftly. African Stars are keen to lift the ban to refocus on their participation in the Confederation of African Football Champions League.

By addressing the financial dispute and complying with FIFA's directives, African Stars aim to strengthen their squad ahead of the new season and maintain their competitive edge in both domestic and continental competitions.