Nana Toku, former Western Regional Chairman of the National Democratic Party (NDC) has stressed the need for committed, truthful and honest members to move the party into power in 2020.

After picking his forms to contest the Regional chairmanship, the 59 year-old farmer said his vision for the NDC was to ensure that the party was back in power in 2020.

Nana Toku who had held the Regional Chairmanship for eight years, said his coming back to contest in the election was due to numerous calls from supporters and members to return to steer the affairs of the party to victory.

He said he would do everything possible if given the nod to bring unity and togetherness in the party and with the support of the members he would work hard to increase the 10 seats the NDC currently had in the region to 18.

Nana Toku pointed out that as of the time he left power, the NDC had 18 seats, but unfortunately his predecessor could not increase the number, but rather had it reduced to just 10 and promised the supporters that he would not disappoint them this time round and would work hard to bring back smiles onto their faces.

The former chairman called for unity and urged them to eschew politics of personal attacks and internal wrangling.

Mr Japhat Baidoo, Regional organiser who accompanied Nana Toku to pick his forms,said the NDC needed transparent and accountable leaders at the constituency and Regional levels to enable them wrestle power from the NPP in 2020.

He said Nana Toku had the qualities of a unifier, committed and dynamic leader that could help bring back the NDC into power and urged all to rally their support behind him and pledged his unflinching support for Nana Toku promising to work with him to move the party to greater heights.

As of 1400 hours more than 30 people had picked up forms to vie for various positions including; chairman, Secretary and women's organiser.

The picking of nomination forms which started today would officially close on Wednesday July 18, 2018.