PHOTOS & VIDEOS: last moments of pretty Legon girl who died mysteriously

19th September 2019


Death is indeed cruel and does not consider your age,creed,position or status in society.It is indeed a leveler because the rich and poor die.

No matter whoever you are it will one day catch up with you so Shakespeare says death is a necessary evil which will come when it should come but I believe for the family of  Nana Ama Owusu-Nyantah a level 400 student of the University of Ghana they still cannot come to terms with her tragic loss.

The pretty damsel who studied at the premier university is also a part time model and her death has brought grief and pain to her friends, family and loved ones.

With most of them taking to social media to express how they fell about her sudden demise.

According to snippets of unconfirmed information gathered she fainted and died mysteriously on after been rushed to the hospital

Since news broke about her death glowing tributes have been pouring from all angles.