Coach of the Senior National Men's team Kwasi Appiah has has divulge into the difficulty in playing for Ghana's most glamourous club Asante Kotoko.

The present Black Stars gaffer played for the Kumasi based side for about a decade between 1983 to 1993 where he excelled very well for the Kumasi based side.

In an interview with Kumasi based Light Fm, he has disclosed that it was not always smooth sailing playing for the Porcupine warriors.

According to the Black Stars trainer it was always difficult but he knew the worth of playing for the club and what he wanted to achieve so it made it far more easier.

"I used to enter the washroom three times before games because of the enormous pressure on our shoulders to win the game.

"I quickly psych myself and inculcate boldness in order to excel in matches played both home and away."

He had some word of advise for the current crop of Asante Kotoko players If they truly want to succeed at the club.

"The current crop of players should adopt such strategy and know the reason for playing for the club and what they want to achieve."