In a remarkable demonstration of his commitment to grassroots engagement and inclusive leadership, Hon. Frank Asiedu Bekoe, popularly known as Protozoa, visited the Akorabo community, where he interacted with church congregations, the Young Elephant Group, and okada riders.

As the parliamentary candidate for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Suhum Constituency, Protozoa's visit underscored his dedication to understanding and addressing the diverse needs of his constituents.

Engagement with Churches

Mr Bekoe's visit to the churches in Akorabo was a testament to his deep respect for the spiritual and moral fabric of the community. He participated in worship services, shared in prayers, and held discussions with church leaders and congregants. Protozoa emphasized the vital role of faith-based organizations in fostering community cohesion and moral guidance.

He assured the church members of his unwavering support for their initiatives aimed at promoting education, healthcare, and social welfare. His heartfelt interactions left a lasting impression, reinforcing the strong bond between the political leadership and the religious community.

Meeting with the Young Elephant Group

Protozoa's interaction with the Young Elephant Group, a dynamic youth wing of the NPP, highlighted his focus on youth empowerment and political engagement.

He commended the group for their enthusiasm and commitment to the party's ideals and the development of the community. During the meeting, Hon. Bekoe discussed various opportunities for the youth, including vocational training, entrepreneurship programs, and educational scholarships.

He encouraged them to remain active and engaged, stressing that their energy and innovation are crucial for the future of Suhum.

The Young Elephant Group members expressed their gratitude for his support and guidance, pledging their continued loyalty and hard work towards the party's success.

Dialogue with Okada Riders

Recognizing the significant role of okada riders in the local economy and transportation network, Hon. Bekoe made it a point to engage with this vital segment of the community.

He listened to their concerns about road safety, regulation, and the need for better infrastructure.

Protozoa acknowledged the challenges they faced and assured them of his commitment to advocating for policies that would enhance their working conditions and ensure their safety. His pragmatic approach and willingness to address their issues resonated deeply with the riders, who appreciated his genuine concern and practical solutions.

As the parliamentary candidate for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Bekoe's hands-on approach and genuine concern for his constituents' well-being highlight his readiness to lead Suhum towards a future of prosperity and progress.

His visit to Akorabo has reinforced the community's confidence in his leadership and inspired hope for a brighter and more inclusive future.