MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The UK government has the worst public satisfaction ratings for the way it is running the country for any administration in over two decades, a new poll out Thursday has revealed.

The Ipsos Mori interview of 1,050 Britons on March 15-19 has found that 86 percent were dissatisfied with the government, while just 11 percent said they were satisfied.

"In forty years of our polling, the only other government to reach this level of dissatisfaction was also beset with European troubles – John Major’s, after Black Wednesday [September 16, 1992], which isn't an encouraging precedent," Ipsos MORI’s Political Research Head Gideon Skinner said.
Prime Minister Theresa May saw her ratings slump four points to 29 percent, the worst result since she became prime minister, while two-thirds said they were dissatisfied.

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READ MORE: May Calls Short Extension to Brexit Deadline 'Personal Regret' When it comes to handling Brexit, two-thirds of those polled said she has done a bad job, up from 50 percent in March last year. Over eight in 10 think the government is doing a bad job handling the country’s departure from the European Union.
The United Kingdom is due to crash out of the bloc without a deal next week after the parliament rejected both agreements on the terms of departure presented by May. The prime minister is negotiating a three-month delay, supported by 48 percent of those sampled by Ipsos Mori. READ MORE: Macron Threatens UK With No Deal Brexit if Parliament Rejects May's Plan AgainSource: