A book chronicling the principles and attitudes for success has been launched.

Titled 'Success is your birthright' and reviewed by the Assistant Editor at the Parliament of Ghana, Mr Harold Wilson Hubert, the book teaches that success is not the privilege of only a chosen few but a possibility for everyone.

The 265-page book summarises that success is the outcome of the right attitudes and practising the right principles.


Stating his motivation, the head pastor of the ICGC, Life Gate Temple at Klagon and author of the book Reverend Henry Hubert said, the book was a result of many years of study and research on the subject of success and effective living.

He explained that God's greatest desire for his people, and particularly believers is for them to become successful.

"Ever since I gave my life to Christ and begun to live the Christian life, one understanding I have gotten is that salvation is not just a ticket to qualify people for heaven, but to bring improvements in one's standard of life," he noted.

The launch of the book which coincided with Rev Hubert's 50th birthday celebration was also to share his experience on principles of success and having a positive attitude to life.

He was of the hope that the book would be a guiding light to people seeking success.


Launching the book in Accra last Sunday, the head pastor of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Open Heaven Temple at Adjiringanor, Rev Eric Xexemeku noted that the book points to some research findings that success is 75 per cent attitude and 25 per cent principles.

The principles he said are time tested and have proven to be true and relevant to achieving success.

He entreated participants at the ceremony to get a copy of the book and practice the principles therein to achieve success.

Source: graphic.com.gh