Controversial Prophet Nigel Gaisie who is the Founder and leader of the Prophetic Hill Church has said that since Gospel Musician Sonnie Badu is putting Ghana’s name on the map, it’s imperative that he should not be criticized.

Sonnie Badu became a subject of discussion after it had emerged that he used four months to get three degrees including a B. Arts, MSc and a Ph.D.

The shock of this made social media in Ghana go agog with the debate on fake doctorates emerging for another time.

But adding his voice to the ongoing debate, Nigel Gaisie indicated that it’s imperative that the people of Ghana hold Sonnie Badu in high esteem because his music is putting Ghana on the map.

To Nigel Gaisie, there is the need not to be critical of the Gospel Singer mentioning that in Ghana, the pull him down syndrome must leave our fabric.

Prophet Nigel Gaisie in a post on the issue said “I have monitored the media space within these few days and I can boldly say that, As I have always held…GHANAIANS don’t love their own..They hurt with passion to see their own flourish..Dr. Sonnie Badu, I have being observing to see if your *friends*who pride themselves with your reputable brand will come out to your defense or at least write a post of solidarity but I haven’t seen one yet. I don’t know much about all the circumstances Surrounding your awards or degree and I don’t won’t to no’ but all that I can say is,…let’s love our own,let’s speak well of own since nobody and its nobody is sacredly perfect.Let the Ghanaian be measured in killing or pulling down their own even and it’s even when one is at fault.The mindset and the infamous concept of OPEN HATRED TOWRDS OUR OWN MUST STOP AND THE CHURCH IN GHANA MUST LEARN TO PROTECT THEIR OWN*(Those without sin,should cast the firststone)*Dr.Sonnie Badu,you own nobody an explanation, keep wining and shining,you might not like Nigel Gaisie but he is a Ghanaian and for me Ghana FIRST..You might not like Sonnie but I travel lots and his songs have put Ghana music on TOP THERE….LETS LOVE OUR OWN.If you keep fooling and you living in misery, nobody cause am’allow people who have decided against all odds to do well,do well.Enough of the PURGATORY.See You tomorrow at church, it will be EPIC.”

Source: MyNewsGh