Sports Minister hints at return of football with fans in attendance

8th September 2020

Youth and Sports Minister Hon. Isaac Asiamah


Sports Minister Isaac Asiamah says football will return in earnest as they are factoring in how to get spectators at the stadiums when football returns.

There has been no football in Ghana since the middle of March when restrictions was placed on all social, public, religious and sporting gatherings.

Since then, restrictions have been eased on all the above mentioned sector with the exception of football and all other contact sports.

The restrictions forced the hand of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) as they were left with little choice but to cancel the 2019/2020 league season.

According to the sports minister, football will return very soon as measures are being put in place to ensure that all persons involved in football are safe.

"Just recently, the President spoke about the measures we are putting in place to control the Coronavirus. I plead with you, God willing, the protocols we are working on will ensure that the President would speak again and football shall bounce back," Mr Asiamah said.

"Paramount in the protocols will be the safety of supporters, supporters are very important to the government. Supporters make the game beautiful so they have to be protected.

"It won't be long, football will bounce back looking at the measures we will put in place. However, everyone who loves the game must be protected, that is very vital".

The GFA has set a tentative date of October for the start of the 2020/2021 league season as talks with government progresses steadily.