Kumawood Actor Nana Ofori Agyemang, more commonly known as Oboy Siki, has been advised to focus his wealth in building a better future for himself rather than chasing small girls.

Oboy Siki has made headlines for stating that Agya Koo’s Kumasi mansion was built with funds from the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP).

However, Mawule Ekpe Peter, the National Public Relations Officer (PRO) for the Film Producers Association (FIPAG), also known as Abro, has asked Kumawood actor Oboy Siki, who reportedly boasted about sleeping with 5,000 females, to avoid sleeping with young girls if he wants to construct a good house with his acting money.

Abro in an interview with Ambassador TV monitored revealed “there are so many Kumawood actors and actresses who have acquired a lot of properties through acting. I think Oboy Siki is jealous of Agya Koo and other Kumawood actors who are making it in life with acting money because he doesn’t have what they have.”

“I knew Agya Koo was building a mansion since 2011 so I don’t understand why people are saying he built his mansion with NPP money because Agya Koo endorsed NPP in 2016,” Abro told Osei Kwadwo

“Instead of Oboy Siki appreciating Agya Koo and other Kumawood actors who are making it in life and advice the upcoming actors and actresses to learn from them, he is just condemning them because of envy and jealousy. We should thank God that Agya Koo didn’t come on social media to beg for money for food or hospital bills but rather he came out to tell the world acting has helped him”, he said

“Kyeiwaa, McBrown, Akrobeto, Kwaku Manu, Lilwin and others have not endorsed any political party but if I show you what they have achieved with acting money, Ambassador you will be surprised” he observed.

“Oboy Siki cannot achieve anything with acting money because he wastes his money on young girls by fried eggs and indomie for them at night just to sleep with them”, he claimed.

Abro, on the other hand, exhorted Kumawood Creative people and actresses, particularly the upcoming ones, to be inspired by Agya Koo’s successes and to keep working hard to reach their aspirations.

Source: Oyerepa online