The chiefs and elders of Prampram in the Greater Accra Region have petitioned the Interior Minister and National Security to transfer the investigations on the death of Nene Asture Benta III, Prampram Mankralo to Accra.

Numo SBA Nartey, Wetsotse of Kley Abordo of Prampram petitioned on behalf of the Kley Wetso Divisional Council.

The clan head of the Prampram Traditional Area, Nene Atsure Benta III, was gunned down by some unknown assailants at Apollonia, in the Kpone-Katamanso Municipality of Greater Accra last month.

The deceased, who was also the acting President of the Prampram Traditional Council was killed whilst returning from a meeting in Dodowa in the Shai-Osudoku District.

Police sources say the Mankralo was ambushed and shot along the way.

Related: Prampram Mankralo gunned down by unknown assailants

The petition signed SBA Nartey and Nene Tetteh Afutu III, a divisional Chief of Prampram and said transferring the investigation to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Headquarters in Accra would ensure a proper and better outcome.

“In fact, the residents of Prampram are experiencing some insecurity with regards to the sudden death of the Mankralo, and we the Kley Abordo family are being victimised and brutalised”, the petitioners said.

It said the Divisional Council was ready to assist in the investigation if the need arises.

Also petitioned were the Inspector General of Police, the Attorney General and the Director of the CID.
