On Wednesday, the European Commission stated that any extension to Article 50 would bring 'serious' risks to the Brexit process, with EC President Jean-Claude Junker reportedly said that the UK should leave by 23 May.

UK prime minister Theresa May has confirmed to the House of Commons that she has requested for an extension to Article 50 in a letter, stating that Parliament has "faced the consequences of its decisions". 
European Council president Donald Tusk received the former letter from Mrs. May requesting a delay to Brexit, an EU official told Reuters. European Council president Jean-Claude Junker has also confirmed receipt of the letter, an EU official told Reuters.
In the letter, Mrs. May requested Mr. Tusk to seek an extension to Article 50 "until June 30," May told Parliament on Wednesday. The Prime Minister said in the letter that "failing to endorse the deal were unpredictable and potentially deeply unpalatable," and that a longer extension to the Brexit process would oblige the UK to call elections to the European Parliament".

— Vincent McAviney (@VinnyMcAv) March 20, 2019
"I do not believe that it would be in either of our interests for the UK to hold European Parliament elections," the letter said.
"I have therefore this morning written to President Tusk, the president of the European Council, informing him that the UK seeks an extension to the Article 50 period until June 30," May told the parliament.
The Prime Minister said she intends to put forward a motion as soon as possible after the upcoming EU Council meeting, that following that further domestic proposals on the Irish backstop.
A senior government source from Downing Street said: "There's a case for giving parliament more time to find a way forward but people in this country have been waiting nearly three years, they are fed up with parliament's failure to take a decision and the prime minister shares that frustration."
In last week's Commons debate, Conservative MP David Lidington called Mrs. May's one-off extension to Article 50 "downright reckless", adding that it conflicted with the position of Commons.
Mr. Lidington said: In the absence of a deal, seeking such a short and, critically, one-off extension would be downright reckless and completely at odds with the position that this House adopted only last night, making a no-deal scenario far more, rather than less, likely.
He added: Not only that, but from everything we have heard from the EU, both in public and in private, it is a proposal it would not accept.
Chief Brexit negotiator for the European Commission Michel Barnier said in a 13 March statement that the Commission was in a "very serious moment" due to increasing risks over Brexit, "including an accidental no deal".
"I recommend that nobody underestimates this risk or its consequences," Mr. Barnier said. "We do not want this scenario, we have always worked for a deal and an orderly withdrawal, but the European Union is ready to deal with this situation".Source: sputniknews.com