Professor Ebenezer Oduro Owusu, vice chancellor of the University of Ghana has urged lecturers of the institution to show utmost respect to students in their dealings.

The UG vice chancellor’s caution comes on the back of violent protests at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) two weeks ago.

“Going to KNUST was a great lesson for me… To be honest we were shocked at the extent of damage. So we picked great lessons and one of them being the fact that those of us in management and those of us teaching the students should try and look for innovative ways of engaging these students.

“If you are a lecturer and you are teaching these students in the classroom, or in the laboratory, courtesy demands that you must show enormous respect to the students… We do not want what happened at KNUST to happen here at the University of Ghana…. I will not sit for things to escalate,” Professor Oduro Owusu opined.

He however, was quick to add that students should also use appropriate means in seeking redress and for their grievances to be attended to.

“For you the students, the advice is that you use all possible means, all the internal mechanisms to address your grievances, you have no business going violent and destroying properties. Immediately we get the hint, I get the intelligence report that you are going, the university will be closed before you start your demonstration,” Prof. Owusu said.

Professor Ebenezer Oduro Owusu’s comments follows the over GHC1.6 million worth of damage caused by students at the KNUST campus.

The students were protesting what they described as brutalities meted out to them by campus security and a lack of respect by the universities authorities.