One of the world's gravest but least visible humanitarian emergencies in unfolding in north east Nigeria. Nigerian leaders and aid agencies are warning the region is drifting towards famine conditions in some areas.

Save the Children has warned that the lives of 75,000 children are at risk. The agency has called on aid donors gathering at a crucial UN humanitarian appeal meeting in Geneva next week to mobilise $1.2bn in 2017.

"The world must act - and act now - to protect children in north-east Nigeria from the hunger. I welcome Save the Children's call to action - we must not repeat the mistakes that were made in Somalia” says Kofi Annan, Chair of the Africa Progress Panel.

The Africa Progress Panel consists of ten distinguished individuals from the private and public sector who advocate for equitable and sustainable development for Africa. Mr Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the United Nations and Nobel laureate, chairs the APP and is closely involved in its day-to-day work.