The mathematical set contained very important materials used by a lot of Nigerian students.
It was a must-have back in the day. If you had a new, complete set of mathematical instruments, you were a cool kid. Having a maths set was really important, but it involved a lot of struggles. Here are some of them that you might remember.
1. When your mummy agrees to give you money for a new maths set
She must mention that you’ve used almost 100 maths sets sha, and ask if you’re eating the tools.
2. When you finally buy the new maths set
3. You’re extra careful with the items, you even write your name on each item with a sharp object.
4. When someone asks if they can borrow your ruler
The answer is always no.
5. Your face when they start sending people who don’t have maths sets out of the class.
6. And all you classmates start calling you wicked and proud
Because of ordinary maths set o.
7. So you decide to be nice and borrow someone an item
Before they curse your whole generation.
8. Then they don’t return it.
9. Somehow all the items start getting missing one by one
First the ruler, then the pencil, followed by the eraser.
10. You trying to remember who you gave what to
11. And the only items left are the instruments that nobody ever uses
12. Then you get sent out of class for not having a maths set
13. And you have to run around trying to borrow when there’s a test
Everyone you borrowed suddenly forgot when you were nice to them.