Former Black Stars defender Lee Addy has on behalf of the Ghanaian players who were stranded in Ethiopia expressed his gratitude to the government of Ghana and the Ghana Football Association for their role in evacuating them from the horn of Africa.

Ghanaian players numbering about 30 were left stranded in Ethiopia after the football season was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The players who were ready and willing to come back were prevented due to the travel restrictions imposed by the government of Ghana due to the coronavirus pandemic since March this year.

Lee Addy who was the leader of the stranded players confirmed they paid their own air tickets believed to be in the range of $200-$500 but has a lot of praise to the government for their impeccable organization.

“We paid for our ticket cost but the government played a major role in terms of organization. We the senior players paid for some of the players who couldn’t afford the cost” Lee Addy told OTEC FM

“Three (3) players were left behind because they needed to negotiate with their clubs for contract renewal. We came straight to Prampram with some students who were also stranded in Addis Ababa and South Africa” He added

“We are pleased with what the government and the GFA have done for us, in fact, we didn’t expect them to help us this way” he concluded