A private legal practitioner, Lawyer Godwin Tamakloe seems fed up with the many complains of the Special Prosecutor, Mr. Martin Amidu and has asked him to honourably write a resignation letter to the President, Nana Akufo-Addo who appointed him.

He explained that the Special Prosecutor has decided to disturb Ghanaians with letters when he has been asked to perform a certain duty.

“The Special Prosecutor has powers to execute his duties effectively so why is he complaining. I feel that if he thinks he cannot perform his duties well, he should write to the President and resign honourably to avoid further disgrace and embarrassment,” Lawyer Tamakloe told Accra based Okay FM.

He added that the Special Prosecutor is behaving as if he does not know or understand that law and thus lamenting unnecessarily.

“You see as a Special Prosecutor, you should be seen to be working rather than complaining. If he feels he cannot do the work he should resign honourably,” he added.

The Special Prosecutor, Martin A. B. K. Amidu has hit hard at Heads of some public institutions for making his fight against corruption arduous.

According to him, the Heads of the institutions were either failing to release information or deliberately withholding information needed to fight corruption in Ghana.

A statement issued by Mr Amidu, titled, “Challenges of the Office of the Special Prosecutor in Fighting Corruption in Ghana”, said his outfit would be compelled to sue defiant public institutions and the Attorney-General (A-G) if the problem persisted.

“The Office of the Special Prosecutor Act empowers the office to enforce the production of information and documents in the courts against any public institution that fails or refuses to honour the lawful request of the office,” the statement said.