Some irate youth in the Yendi municipality believed to have the support of the overlord of Dagbon, Ya Na Abukari Mahama II attempted to attack the Yendi Divisional Commander ACP Peter Akokora Ayirezang in front of the Yendi Divisional Police Headquarters yesterday.

DGN Online gathered that the attack on the police commander was as a result of the commander’s refusal to grant the request of the overlord of Dagbon regarding a matter at the police station.

The youth, however, felt the police commander disrespected the chief by refusing to grant his request.

DGN Online understands the Ya Na ordered that since the Divisional Commander does not respect him and Dagbon, he should immediately leave the town.

The Divisional Crime Officer, Divisional BNI Commander and some police officers went to the Gbewaa palace to intercede on behalf of the police chief but the overlord did not accept their plea and insisted that the police commander must leave.

The Yendi Divisional Commander ACP Peter Akokora Ayirezang in a telephone interview told DGN Online that he respects the overlord of Dagbon, Ya Na Abukari Mahama II and Dagbon as a whole adding that he does not have any issues with the overlord.

“I respect Ya Na, I respect Dagbon and I hold him in high esteem because he is my King.”

According to him, he did not commit any offence adding that he was performing his duty as a police officer.

“If I’m performing my duty as a police officer and he thinks I am disrespecting him fine but I have never disrespected my king, I have never disrespected the kingdom .”

“Sometimes when you are doing the right thing you seem to be a stumbling block for some people and that is why Ghana here we find it difficult to do certain things so I thank God if they say they cannot work with me that’s fine.”

He assured that wherever he might be sent he will continue to serve Ghana with integrity and with the core principles of policing.

ACP Ayirezang, however, told DGN Online that he has vacated the Yendi township and the Northern Regional Commander and the Inspector General of Police are all aware. DGN Online is informed that on Saturday, July 11, 2020, at about 3 pm, irate youth in Yendi with the support of the Ya Naa attempted to attack the Divisional Commander in front of the Yendi Divisional Police Headquarters but for the timely intervention of the Divisional Crime Officer and the BNI Commander, a nasty scene would have been created.

The Police, therefore, proceeded to the Gbewaa palace with the BNI Commander to persuade the overlord for peaceful settlement of the case.

But the Ya Naa emphatically made it clear that since the Divisional Commander does not respect him and his people, Yendi has become a ‘no go’ area for the police chief, giving ACP Akokora the close of Saturday to vacate the town.

All entreaties fell on deaf ears, warning that the police chief’s security can not be guaranteed.

The delegation according to report left the Gbewaa palace and went to inform the Divisional Commander.

He had by then packed his luggage and has since left Yendi.

Daily Guide Network