The Bissa community in the Upper East region has registered its displeasure over what it calls "targeted killings" of Bissas by the  Mamprusis and Kusasis in the Bawku conflict, urging their warring neighbours to dialogue to achieve lasting peace.

Anger is growing as patience is running out of the Bissa youth at a time stakeholders are grappling with the challenges of the conflict between the two, and  leadership say these restraints may not last forever if such unprovoked killings of Bissas continue.

At a press conference held in the Bissas traditional town of Kulungungu on Saturday 17th September, the leadership of the "peace loving" ethnic continued with their campaign for peace in the Bawku area.

It said such unprovoked killings will only escalate the already volatile situation in the area.

Chief Azumah addressed the media at Saturday's media briefing

Five known Bissas have already been eliminated by Kusasi and Mamprusi bandits as a result of the decades-long conflict and leadership has reminded the conflicting tribes of how their continuous targeted killing of innocent Bissas has become a source of extreme anger and provocation among the Bissa youth.

"As stakeholders in securing peace in Bawku, the position of the Bissa people has been to continue to appeal to our neighbours the Kusasis and the Mamprusis to dialogue to achieve lasting peace," said a statement read by

"Unfortunately, the Bissa people who have remained neutral over the period in the interest of peace, are being
attacked and killed in manners that can best be described as targeted killings.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we wish to emphasize that Bissas are not a party to the ongoing conflict. These targeted killing of innocent Bissas, some of whom are
attacked in their homes or even kidnapped and slaughtered has become a source of extreme anger and provocation among the Bissa youth. Leadership has been doing its best to restrain the youth from any reprisal attacks in order to avoid any escalation of the already volatile situation. But we must warn that these restraints may not last forever if such unprovoked killings of Bissas continue."

Hundreds of Bissa women turned up for the media briefing, which is the first of its kind

It is the first time the Bissa leadership is openly voicing out its displeasure after years of premeditated victimisation in the hands of its warring neighbours.

Bissas over the years have maintained their neutrality and open lack of interest in any tribal or territorial superiority, which, per history, is said to be their nature.

Leadership, including the of the Upper East Regional BDA attended the media briefing at Kulungungu

Historically, Bissas are natives of Bawku

At Saturday's conference, jointly held by Bissas Chiefs of Bawku, elders, the Upper East Regional executives of BDA and the Bissa youth, the records were set straight about Bissa historic occupancy in Bawku despite not being involved in any chieftaincy or territorial conflict.

"Historically, Bissas are natives of Bawku and are one of the major ethnic groups
in Bawku since pre-colonial era.

"We are hardworking farmers, traders, blacksmiths and above all peace loving people," the statement added.

It has, among other recommendations, urge the security to deal ruthlessly with hate speech, insults and attacks on social media. These have become a major fueling factor in the

Below is the full statement


Ladies and gentlemen of the media, on behalf of the Bawku Council of Bissa
Chiefs, Elders, Youth and the Upper East Regional Executives of Bissa
Development Association, I welcome you all to this press briefing organized to
update the media, Government and the general public, on the killing of Bissas in the current Bawku Conflict.
Historically, Bissas are natives of Bawku and are one of the major ethnic groups in Bawku since pre-colonial era. We are hardworking farmers, traders,
blacksmiths and above all peace loving people.
The dynamics of the conflict has presented various challenges for stakeholders
to grapple with. As stakeholders in securing peace in Bawku, the position of the Bissa people has been to continue to appeal to our neighbours the Kusasis and the Mamprusis to dialogue to achieve lasting peace. Unfortunately, the Bissa people who have remained neutral over the period in the interest of peace, are being attacked and killed in manners that can best be described as targeted killings.With a heavy heart and sorrow, we recall some of the Bissa people killed in the
conflict as follow:
1. Madam Rukaya, a pregnant woman killed at Daduri.
2. Mma Adiza killed in a vehicle at Saaraborgo while returning from Cinkansi
3. Bissa woman at Zongo who sells bread
4. Arimiyao Sule, a student from Manga killed at Kolore
5. Mma Alale, killed at Azanga

Ladies and gentlemen, we wish to emphasize that Bissas are not a party to the ongoing conflict. These targeted killing of innocent Bissas, some of whom are attacked in their homes or even kidnapped and slaughtered has become a source of extreme anger and provocation among the Bissa youth. Leadership has been doing its best to restrain the youth from any reprisal attacks in order to avoid any escalation of the already volatile situation. But we must warn that these restraints may not last forever if such unprovoked killings of Bissas continue.

Ladies and gentlemen of the media, it is against this background that we the Bissa Chiefs and people make the following appeal:

  • We humbly appeal to both feuding factions (Kusasis and Mamprusis) to embrace efforts by government and other stakeholders to use dialogue to end the protracted conflict and embrace peace. This will further insulate
    Bawku from our common enemies, terrorist and extremist groups who are lurking around for opportunities like the ongoing conflict to attack and destroy all of us.

  • We plead that the security forces should always help to prevent the attack and killing of Bissas and other peace loving people who visit the markets in Bawku for their daily bread.

  •  We urge the security to deal ruthlessly with hate speech, insults and attacks on social media. These have become a major fueling factor in the conflict.

  • We commend the Ministers of Interior and Defense, the Regional Minister, the Bawku Municipal Chief Executive, the Military and the Police for bringing the situation under control. They have our full support to deal with all trouble makers in order to sustain the fragile peace.

  •  The National House of Chiefs, they Minister for Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs and the Bawku Inter-Ethnic Peace Committee should continue to work hard to soften the ground for sustainable peace in Bawku and its

To conclude, we urge all citizens of Bawku to be peace ambassadors in our communities. Let us disabuse the minds of our families and friends of all negative stereotypes against each other. Let us learn to focus on our goal of securing
peace in order to bring Bawku back to the golden days. Killing a thousand or more people will not educate our children or even put breakfast on our tables.

Thank you all for coming and safe journey back.

Cc: All Media Houses.