Wife abuse is receiving widespread attention in the lay press, but its discussion in the medical literature has been rare. Identifying a victim of wife abuse is complicated, since these women will seldom volunteer that information. There are no economic, educational, or class predictors of wife abuse.

A renowned Islamic cleric is justifying the abuse of women who refuse to allow their husbands to perform their conjugal duties in bed stating that such women deserve beating and Islam endorses that.

He argues that the woman at all times must endeavor to satisfy the man’s sexual desires if he is horny without any excuses irrespective of the condition the woman finds herself.

In a televised broadcast, he said “Dear viewers, many people – especially people who are married – would like to know how to beat one’s wife. Is beating your wife necessary? Must a man beat his wife every day? No.

“First, we must understand that the man is the leader of the house. A leader has authorities, just like a company manager.

The leader of the house may decide to discipline the wife so life can move on. How does a husband beat his wife? He gives her a disciplinary beating out of love. He loves her.”

He continued: “The Prophet Muhammad… Look how merciful Islam is. The Prophet forbade striking the face. He forbade men from beating their wives on the face.

“Slapping the face, hitting the head, punching the nose – all of this is prohibited. The beating is for discipline.”