Management of BlowChem Industries producers of Bel-Aqua Mineral Water, Yummie Instant noodles and Bel Beverages is pleading to its customers to disregard videos or photos circulating that the company produces from unhygienic environments.

According to management, some unscrupulous persons who have posed as media men are behind the scandal.

Speaking to journalists at an emergency press conference held at the company’s Head office at Kpone, the Brands and Corporate Communications Manager of the company Mr. Emmanuel Quist said “On August 24th, 2018, some individuals claiming to be journalists from an Accra –Based radio station threatened to tarnish the image of our company by circulating these doctored videos ad photos of our premises if they are not paid a substantial amount of money.

We are encouraging members of the general public to ignore these videos and treat them with the contempt they deserve, as they are merely the handiworks of criminals who wish to tarnish our hard-earned reputation after we refused to satisfy their unscrupulous demands”.

From left :Emmanuel Quist, Brands & Communications Manager, Ruben Kordorwu, Commercial Manager, Raj Mirpuri, Head Marketing and Bright Azamati, Quality Control Manager

Mr. Quist reiterated that Bel-Aqua is a law abiding company, and as such would not pay any money to persons who are believed to be petty criminals.

Emphasizing on the company’s hygienic production premises, Mr. Quist said the company’s premises and production processes are duly subjected to the licensing standards of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), the Tema Development Cooperation and the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA).

After the meeting, journalists were taken round the production areas to assess production processes for themselves.