The Ashanti Regional Criminal Investigation Department (CID), has declared Chairman Kwabena Nsenkyire wanted following a complaint they received from Chairman Akwasi Nti, concerning threats by the former to crush his life.
Following President Akufo-Addo’s recent visit to the region, he had the opportunity to interact with some constituency chairmen from the region and it was during the forum that, Mr. Nti revealed to the president that majority of the internal wragglings caused in the party’s stronghold was intiated by Mr. Nsenkyire.
After the meeting, Chairman Nti revealed to that he has received countless threats from Nsenkyire; making him fear for his life.
“He called me and threatened to crush my life and this threat can’t be considred empty so i lodged a formal complaint with the Ashanti regonal CID to take over the matter.
I am informed they haved tried to contact him to get his side of the matter but he is nowhere to be found and for this reason, he has been declared wanted by the police.”