It should not hurt to be a child; unfortunately, children continue to suffer worse forms of abuse such as child pornography
Child Abuse is not new; it has always persisted in different forms causing pain and wrecking innocent children’s lives. Do you know that every 10 seconds a report is made about child abuse? Child Abuse is the physical, sexual or emotional maltreatment of a child that causes long term or permanent damage to the child. Child Abuse is more than bruises and broken bones. Though physical abuse is the most visible type of Child Abuse, there are other types such as Emotional Abuse and Neglect, which leave deep, lasting scars.
The earlier abused children get help, the greater chance they have to heal and break the cycle by learning about common signs of abuse and intervention strategies. Early report can again make a huge difference in a child's life.
The Myth
One myth about Child Abuse and Neglect is that, children are abused only when there is a violence and physical harm. Others also believe that only bad people abuse children. While it is easy to say that only bad people abuse children, it is not always true. Not all abusers are intentionally harming their children. Many have been victims of abuse themselves and do not know any other way to parent. Other people who abuse children also may be struggling with mental health issues or substance abuse problems.
Pornography as Child Abuse
Another form of Child Abuse that is fast gaining grounds recently is Child Porn. Child porn is a criminal offense, which involves any visual depiction, and the use of a minor in sexual activities. A recent report states that Child Pornography is one of the fastest growing business online with an estimated annual global revenue of three billion dollars. According to the Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection, Child Pornography is usually distributed in two ways. It is either commercial or non - commercial (traded among offenders).
The causes
Some causes of Child Porn are online sexual exploration (children go online to know more about sexual activities), parental neglect (parents are usually too busy to monitor and take interest in their children's daily activities), and the early use of cell phones by children. When children get access to cell phones at an early stage, the possibility of engaging in Child Porn is higher. As they can take videos of their naked selves and others. Parent sleeping in the same room with children forgetting to keep privacy ends, children practicing what they see their parents do etc.
The effects
It is obvious people engage in Child Porn for financial and personal benefits but you will be shocked to know the effects of child porn. Children who are victims of child porn face physical and emotional pain. They go through a lot of guilt, and embarrassment; this goes a long way to tarnish their image in the society
Children who become victims of Child Porn also have greater risk of contracting sexual diseases; especially the perpetrators have diseases such as AIDS, Gonorrhea and other transferrable diseases.
Again, victims of Child Abuse have difficulty with future relationships, as people would not want to build friendship or marry a child porn victim with names, pictures and videos all over.
Arresting Child Pornography
The rate at which Child Abuse especially Child Porn is becoming alarming; there is the dire need to cut this practice off. Beyond the technology and Internet, the most important thing is for parents to talk to their children about the dangers the Internet brings.
Creating awareness for parent to educate their children about Child Porn could also be a great way to curb this practice. Again, opening up a debate on child sexuality can also be helpful to inform children on the need to stay away from Child Porn. Corporate organisations such as telecommunication companies can also join to crusade help spread the message to their users about Child Porn and the need to end it.
Lastly, collaborating with civil society and local communities to help identify and support victims will have address the impact of the act on these victims. Parents, society, government and the international community as a whole must endeavor to end this diabolical practice.
A child is the most beautiful part of God's creation. Just imagine the face of a happy, outgoing and smiley child and the joy it brings home. Children are love and blessings, so Sir or madam reading this; bless that child with your love not abuse. It should not hurt to be a child.