Awutu Papaase District Pastor of the Church of Pentecost, Pastor Samuel Koblah Narh, has been shot and critically injured.

His Toyota RAV4 car with the registration GW 545-22 and his mobile phones have been stolen by the robbers.

The unfortunate incident happened at Awutu Papaase in the Awutu Senya West District of the Central Region.

Pastor Samuel Koblah Narh was shot and robbed in his house after returning from an evening service.

Information gathered by Adom News indicates that, the armed robbers laid siege in front of his house.

Police sources say that when Pastor Koblah arrived home, one of his sons opened the main gate for him.

As soon as the pastor entered the house, the robbers followed him inside and fired several live bullets to deter his family.

In an interview with Adom News, one of the church elders, Godfred Viglo, revealed that the robbers shot the pastor in the shoulder after he tried to talk to them.

They then pulled him out of the car and drove away.

Pastor Samuel Koblah was rushed to Winneba Trauma and Specialist Hospital for first aid and has since been transferred to the Church of Pentecost Hospital in Madina for further treatment.

Elder Godfred Viglo appealed to Ghanaians and the Ghana Police Service to help arrest the suspects and retrieve the Toyota RAV4 car for the pastor.