Defeated Member of Parliament (MP) for the Ledzokuku constituency, Dr Bernard Okoe Boye has returned to the LEKMA Hospital to provide free consultation for patients in his constituency.
The Deputy Minister for Health lost his bid to return to Parliament in the just ended elections as he lost to National Democratic Congress candidate, Benjamin Ayiku Nartey.
Despite his seemingly good works in the constituency, the young Politician and medical doctor lost in the parliamentary elections with his constituents citing flimsy and untenable reasons for not voting for me.
Some of them have blamed him for his inability to end the COVID-19 pandemic despite being a medical doctor while others have also said they did not vote for him because they were not able to celebrate the Homowo festival due to the ban on public gathering during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Others who did not vote for him have cited his inability to provide them with bad food during the COVID-19 pandemic among other flimsy excuses.
No political party in the fourth Republic has won the Ledzokuku Parliamentary seat back to back as they change their MP every other election.
The MP posted on his Facebook wall his first day in the consulting room after losing the elections.
“First post election Monday consultations at the Lekma Hospital. Some staff were happy to see me doing fine, some surprised at my activity having assumed that not winning the Parliamentary election meant away with community service. It is important to understand that the joy a true Leader experiences does not lie in the position he holds but in the Service his people receive. I thank God that you do not have to necessarily hold a position to assist others experience a better world. Because He lives, we can face tomorrow”