Ghanaian actor Ekow Blankson, who passed away on Monday, October 3, 2022, will be laid to rest on Saturday, December 17.
The burial service for the award-winning actor comes off at the Full Gospel Church International, EMC Branch Tema, behind Obonu FM, at exactly 7:30 AM.
The family will then continue with the funeral rites at Community 11 Presby School Park.
On Sunday, family, friends, and sympathizers will converge at the Full Gospel Church International, EMC Branch Tema, for Ekow Blankson's Thanksgiving Service at 8:30 AM.
The late actor was succeeded by his wife, Justina Naadu Blankson, and eight children.
The veteran actor and former Commercial Manager of Advertiser and Publishers Solutions Ghana Limited (ADPU) played a key role in the commercial activities of ADPU, which oversees the operations of AfricaWeb, owners of GhanaWeb, and other subsidiaries.