Everyone had doubts about Donald Trump but he is president today- Amanda Clinton

19th October 2019

Private Legal Practitioner, Amanda Clinton


Ghana Football Association presidential hopeful Amanda Clinton says that she is going all out for the GFA presidency and is not surprised about doubts surrounding her candidature since day one.

According to her its no news as current American President Donald Trump was seen as a joke when he announced his decision to be president of America.

People said he was in it to promote his book, he will fall out of the race at some point and can never be president but here we all are today with Donald Trump as president of America.

Amanda says she  draws  inspiration from Donald Trump who little was known of him as a politician but today is the president of the free world.

Some  have described Amanda Clinton as  an opportunist as she is trying to take advantage of the disarray in Ghana football to sneak into with the football people believing she is not part of the furniture of Ghana football.

"I think people said that about Trump in America they said he was in it for his book and that he will fall out" She told Kumasi based Akoma Fm.