Hearts coach admits performance shortfall in draw with Bofoakwa

12th March 2024


Hearts of Oak coach Aboubakar Ouattara has conceded that his team fell short of their best in their recent 1-1 draw with Bofoakwa Tano in the Ghana Premier League.

Despite a commanding first-half performance that saw them take the lead courtesy of Salifu Ibrahim's clinical strike, Hearts of Oak couldn't maintain their advantage, allowing Bofoakwa to equalize.

Salifu Ibrahim's goal in the 23rd minute rewarded Hearts of Oak's dominance in the early stages, showcasing their attacking prowess and control over the game tempo.

However, Bofoakwa displayed resilience in the second half, capitalizing on defensive lapses from Hearts of Oak to level the score. Emmanuel Agyenim took advantage of a defensive mix-up involving Hearts of Oak's newly appointed captain Kofi Agbesimah, slotting home into an unguarded net.

Despite Hearts of Oak's efforts to secure a victory, Bofoakwa stood firm to secure a valuable point. The draw leaves Hearts of Oak in eighth place, trailing the league leaders by seven points.

Ouattara attributed the draw to some errors made by his team, acknowledging, "One or two things did not go well but it's part of the game. There were some faults with the way we started but we tried to do the things well."

He stressed the inevitability of mistakes in football, stating, "It's the human being; you can make some mistakes."

Despite the setback, Ouattara's influence on the team remains evident, and Hearts of Oak will look to bounce back in their upcoming fixture against Dreams FC on Thursday.