Popular Ghanaian actress Christiana Awuni has said that if she is still alive to see 2024, she will massively campaign for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama.

She stated that she has endorsed Mahama and that her campaign for the NDC will not be easy, adding that no one can also stop her from doing that.

A post shared by General Marcus on Twitter showed the Kumawood actress stating how she would fervently support the NDC and John Mahama in the 2024 election.

“I have endorsed Mahama. I will strongly campaign for the NDC if God does not take my life. I will fervently support the NDC. All I need is life and strength, yes,” she said.

When asked by the host what the motive behind such a decision was, she said that Mahama really supported the movie industry.

She added that it is also because he has a deeper understanding of what the industry entails.

She added that although John Mahama is not in power, there are several things he has done for some veteran actors on pension, including supporting them with money for survival.

Christiana Awuni further explained that the NDC flagbearer is a good Samaritan who extends help to anyone, irrespective of the party one belongs to; therefore, she is rooting for him so he can come and create employment for the youth.

“I saw a lot of things. When Mahama was in power, he understood the acting job. Even though he is not the sitting president, look at what he’s doing for some actors who are on pension and are not working. These people are on his payroll, and every month, he gives them something to feed on.

"There are some people who are NPP supporters, but Mahama still looks after them. He is merciful and thinks about everyone. I want the man to come so he can reduce the unemployment rate among the youth. This is because the youth is our strength,” she explained.

Check out the video below:

Source: Ghanaweb