Its payback time for Kotoko - Aduana's Sam Adams

28th May 2021


Aduana Stars midfielder Sam Adams says he has personal scores to settle with Kumasi Asante Kotoko after his ill fated short stint with the club.

The versatile midfielder was a bit part player when he joined Kotoko in the 2019/2020 season as he failed to prove his worth before leaving for Aduana Stars.

He says he was treated badly by Asante Kotoko and will do whatever he can to exact revenge on Saturday when the two side meet in their match day 27 clash at the Dormaa Park.

Kotoko is yet to win a natch at the dreaded Dormaa Park since Aduana gained promotion into the Ghana Premier League in 2010.

According to Adams he was not given much playing time at Kotoko before he was shipped out and will let the club pay dearly on Saturday.

"I’m not going to find it difficult to play against Asante Kotoko in a crucial game like this and I think nobody needs to tell me how important the game is and the need for me to work hard and prepare well," he told Kumasi based Pure FM.

“I’m going to prepare for them (Asante Kotoko) and is a payback time because I saw what they did to me when I went there. They will come and meet us here as we are patiently waiting for them.

"I was there and I saw what happened to me and I will pay them back because this game is very personal for me."he added.