Renowned Ghanaian sound engineer, David Kojo Kyei popularly known as Kaywa, has eulogized hiplife music duo, Keche, for their act of selflessness while working with them.
Recounting memories of their ‘sweet working relationship’, Kaywa said there were instances where the group were not only focused on growing their craft but also poised on helping his record label blossom.
“I don’t sign talents but I sign people who are passionate about what they do, it got to a point they were not even thinking about music, they were just thinking of how to help me to grow, they supported me one hundred percent. I mean these two, that is the first thing I found around them and I just knew that the future is very bright and today we are here,” Kaywa stated in an interview with Joy Prime’s Becky.
He also touted the duo as one of the most humble showbiz personalities he has worked with, adding that they always showed gratitude and gave him (Kaywa) some credit for their success.
“Among many who have come out from me, I can say that one hundred percent, Keche are always back to say thank you. There are many I’ve taught including sound engineers, artises and many others but Keche always comes back to say we appreciate what you did for us,” Kaywa stated.
Kaywa is said to have produced a number of songs for Keche including some popular hits like, ‘Pressure’ and ‘Next level’.