Ken Agyapong defends massive corruption at Maritime Authority; says D-G did no wrong

By: Farida

6th November 2018

Ken Agyapong


Outspoken New Patriotic Party (NPP) MP for Assin Central, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, has jumped to the defense of underfire Director General of the Ghana Maritime Authority, saying he did no wrong despite the incriminating number of corruption cases leveled against him.

According to the maverick businessman, the Director-General of the Ghana Maritime Authority (GMA), Kwame Owusu, has brought massive change to the Authority since his appointment.

Mr. Agyapong further accused journalist of allowing themselves to be used by "evil" people in the society against good people.

GHS1 million of the Authority’s funds were used to expand and renovate a two-bedroom “colonial-styled wooden structure” into a four-bedroom main house with an adjoining one-bedroom guest house, both of which sit on a one-acre land that has become a source of controversy, since Kwame A Plus, a musician-turned-Citizen Vigilante, brought the issue to the fore.

Mr Owusu, who is being investigated by the Ministry of Transport for spending GHS135,000 on an end-of-year dinner party in 2017, and also GHS10,000 on lunch for eight people at a meeting, services provided by his own Luxe Suites Hotel, has been fighting the conflict of interest accusations levelled against him as “below the belt”.

Parrying accusations of conflict of interest regarding the award of the house expansion and renovation contract to a friend of his, Mr Owusu told journalists at a press conference during the week that the media has been mischievous and unprofessional.

Commenting on the issue on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme on Monday, 5 November, Mr Agyapong said: “Kwame Owusu did no wrong in this matter.”

He added: “Before he came to the GMA, their account was in the negatives, they were even borrowing to pay salaries. Today, due to Kwame Owusu’s hard work, the workers are paid on time and they have GHS43 million in their account.

“The GMA needed vessels to monitor the sea, yet they didn’t have the money but under Kwame Owusu’s leadership, they have been able to raise money to import seven of them, fully paid.

“Some journalists are allowing themselves to be used by evil people in society against rather good people who are saving the country a lot of money.”