FT Kotoko wins by a goal to nil
90' 5 minutes of time added on
83' A freekick is quickly taken to Emmanuel Gyamfi, who sprints into the Legon Cities penalty box. The winger's final shot is blocked by Fatau Dauda.
81' Kotoko 1 vs 0 Legon Cities Asamoah Gyan (Legon Cities) latches on to a through pass but is flagged offside by the linesman, who has a good view of the incident.
75' Asamoah Gyan (Legon Cities) curls a freekick from the edge of our penalty box, but Kwame Baah is alert and comes up with an easy save.
70' Evans Adomako misses a good chance to score. A perfect pass into the box finds Evans Adomako who goes in for a shot, but sends the ball over the bar.
68' Kotoko1-0 Legon Cities Kwame Baah makes a timely save but is injured as he lie on the field inviting medical attention. The goalkeeper is back on his feet.
62' Uneasy times for Kotoko as Legon Cities pile on the pressure.
55' Kotoko 1 vs 0 Legon Cities Baba Mahama (Legon Cities) finds a colleague, who connects David Cudjoe inside the penalty box. The midfielder's first-time shot is palmed by Kwame Baah and Joseph Adjei's rebound is off target.
Baba Mahama dribbles two Kotoko players and unleashes a shot which is parried into the path of Raphael Ocloo blazes wide.
Second half underway
Half Time Kotoko leading by a lone goal from Osman Ibrahim
Legon Cities Raphael Ocloo misses a one v one situation with Kotoko goalie Kwame Baah
32' Legon Cities attack through the middle but a fine cross into our penalty box is dealt with by Kwame Adom Frimpong.
29' Kotoko 1 vs 0 Legon Cities The Porcupines keep possession of the ball with some short passes, waiting for the moment to hit the opposition again.
Legon Cities nearly grabbed the equalizer after Kotoko gave away the ball in midfield
22' Nicholas Mensah has been booked for a late tackle. Kotoko [1-0] Legon Cities
Goal! Emmanuel Gyamfi's corner falls on Godfred Asiamah who finds Osman Ibrahim inside the penalty box. The striker is apt with his connection as he sends the ball home with a ferocious. It's 1-0.