Use Lemons

This citric juice is rich in vitamin C. Just squeeze some fresh organic lemons in a bowl then massage this juice onto the dark skin portion. You should leave the juice on the dark portion for about 10 minutes then wash off using warm water.

Frequent use of this method will give you great results in a month or two.

Try Out Sandalwood And Rose Water

Just mix one teaspoon of sandalwood powder with 10 drops of rose water in a bowl and apply this mixture to your dark private parts after a shower and leave it on for 20 minutes after which you should wash it off with warm water.

Try this procedure thrice a week to lighten your dark skin.

Use Aloe Vera Gel

Squeeze the juice from the leaves of an aloe vera plant or buy pure aloe vera gel from your local pharmacy. You should massage this gel onto the dark portion and leave it on for 20 minutes afterwards wash it off with warm water. You will notice a change almost immediately.

Plain Yogurt Is Effective

Use plain yogurt to help lighten dark spots on your private part. Yogurt is soothing to the skin as well, all you need to do is massage it to the dark portions and leave it on for about 15 minutes, wash off with warm water afterwards. To see great results use this procedure everyday for \some weeks.

Try Turmeric And Orange Juice

Orange is a citric fruit and like lemon it has natural bleaching agents. When combined with turmeric you will get a mixture that will help to lighten that dark skin of your private parts. Add 2 tablespoons of orange juice to a pinch of turmeric. Topically apply this mixture to the dark spot on your private part and leave it there for 20 minutes wash it with warm water afterwards. Daily use of this procedure will help to lighten the skin of your private area.

Culled from glowpink