The Minister of Special Development Initiatives, Mavis Hawa Koomson, went berserk over the weekend, when a National Security operative asked her to learn how to join the presidential convoy, in order not to cause an accident.

This seemingly harmless statement did not, however, go down well with the government official, who responded back strongly, threatening to beat up the National Security operative.

In her fury, the Minister went bananas, using unprintable Ga words against the security personnel.

Not satisfied with the verbal assault in the Ga language, the tall and bulky Minister changed to Twi, ranting: “Do you think somebody is afraid of you? We just respect you. Nonsense! Stupid man!”

Madam Hawa Koomson, a Member of Parliament (MP) for Awutu Senya East, who is known as ‘Hajia’ by her admirers, told the man that she would teach him a lesson.

This happened at Aframso, where President Akufo-Addo toured the warehouse of Northern America Farms, which is owned by a Council of taste Member, Nana Owusu Achiaw Brempong.

The constant insults from the embattled Minister provoked the security personnel to also threaten to teach her a lesson, but he was stopped.

The security operative was heard shouting, while people tried to calm him down, “but she is a Minister and cannot talk like that,” he said.

The fight nearly caught the attention of the President when he was stepping out from the warehouse, but the Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei-Mensah, swiftly intervened and calmed Mad. Hawa Koomson down.