Actor Big Akwes has hit hard on some movie producers, directors and actors who masterminded the fall of Agya Koo which in the long run caused the collapsed of the one-time vibrant movie industry.
Big Akwes speaking on TV together with some guests claimed that producers like Jones Aboagye, Samuel Nyamekye and James Aboagye must all be put in the blame cup.
He added a number of actors including Lilwin who in their bid to ensure that they bring Agya Koo down also led to the cause of the downfall of the industry.
Don’t forget, there were allegations from Agya Koo when he had an interview with Accra-based Kingdom Fm over the weekend that Kumawood producers, directors and actors had a meeting to sideline him and cut him off the scenes.
But in the studios of Kumasi based Angel FM, Samuel Nyamekye of Miracles Fame nullified the allegations levelled up against Kumawood producers about Agya Koo’s downfall.
Historically, Kofi Adu, also known as Agya Koo, is an actor and comedian from Ghana. He has appeared in over 200 Ghanaian movies including Obaatanpa, Away Bus, Black Star, and Ma Tricki Wo.