Late danchall queen Priscilla Opoku Kwarteng, popularly called Ebony Reigns if alive would have turned 22 years today, February 16, 2019.
Birthday anniversaries are sometimes more difficult than dead anniversaries. Usually, on someone’s birthday, you are reminded that a person that you love is alive and well. It stings when you are just reminded that you can’t celebrate with them.
Nana Heema was born on February 16, 1997, to Nana Poku Kwarteng(Starboy) and Beatrice Oppong Marthin.
Ebony Reigns was killed instantly in a traffic collision on 8 February 2018 whiles returning from Sunyani to Accra after a visit to her mother.
Her assistant and longtime friend Franklina Yaa Nkansah Kuri and Soldier Atsu Vondee were also killed in the fatal accident. She died eight days before her 21st birthday.
Ebony Reigns was a Ghanaian Dancehall and Afrobeats artiste known for her hit songs ‘Sponsor’ and ‘Maame Hwe’. She was discovered by Bullet of Ruff n Sooth fame.
May her soul continue to rest in the bosom of Abraham.