With general applause, the University for Development Studies (UDS) community has welcomed Professor Seidu Alhassan's appointment as the new Vice-Chancellor.
His appointment was confirmed in a letter dated June 1, 2022, signed by the Chairman of the UDS Governing Council, Professor Wayo Seini.
Prior to his appointment, opinion polls conducted in the UDS community indicated that Professor Seidu Alhassan was the obvious choice based on his past records.
The former UDS Pro Vice-Chancellor is to take over from Professor Gabriel Ayum Teye who retires from active service in September 2022.
He brings a lot of innovation, resourcefulness, and tact to his professional engagements, and is proficient in change management.
His vision is to provide effective leadership and a collegial environment that will further develop the University into a practically-oriented institution which is internationally recognized for academic excellence and community service.
He has guaranteed improved teaching, learning and research, improved capacity of faculty and administrative staff, robust financial stability for the University, the increased reputation of the UDS and an enhanced unity and gender-inclusive University community.
He served in various capacities such as Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the UDS between 2015 and 2019, Director of the Institute of Continuing Education and Interdisciplinary Research and Head of the Department of Food Security and Climate Change.
Professor Seidu Alhassan holds a PhD degree in Agricultural Economics, University of Ghana (2004), M.Phil. Economics, University of Ghana (1996), B. A Economics, University of Cape Coast (1993), and a Diploma in Education. University of Cape Coast (1993).
He is an accomplished academic and university administrator, with over a decade experience in the higher education sector.
Aside his teaching responsibilities, he provides technical assistance to governmental and non-governmental agencies in the areas of community development, micro-finance and development and management of small-scale business enterprises.
He is a network member of the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC). His research interests are poverty, policy management, community development, applied microeconomic theory, literacy, and peace education.
He has written several intellectual articles and authored books beneficial to the academia and Civil Society Organizations.