Legendary former Black Stars captain Asamoah Gyan is eager to meet the originator of the famous catch phrase mona mobl3 as the internet sensation says he admires Asamoah Gyan.
Despite being Ghana's all time top scorer and the most capped player in Ghana's history the former Sunderland striker is an easy target for a section of Ghanaians and it appears he is not appreciated that much.
Asamoah Gyan is a global icon and is highly revered across the world and has played for some of the biggest teams around the world.
The player tweeted a video of Samuel Kofi Ampofo aka mona mobl3 , who rose to prominence with his popular catchphrase.
In an interview with Kofi Adoma Nwanwani of Kofi TV fame, the internet sensation was quizzed which of Kotoko and Hearts did he like but interestingly ignored the question and said Asamoah Gyan is his favourite player and added that he has never met him but likes him a lot quoting a popular biblical scripture to support his claim.
Gyan is Ghana's all-time most capped player and topscorer with 51 goals in 105 appearances. He is also the African player with most goals, six, at the Fifa World Cup.